I'm sure that you've heard time and time again to eat more vegetables. It sounds so simple and might be if we lived in a world with vegetable stands instead of ice cream & hot dog stands!
Luckily, there are some easy ways to eat more veggies. One of my favorites is roasting vegetables. Just preheat your oven to 400 degrees, spread 1-2 TBS of olive oil or avocado oil on a baking sheet, and add your favorite veggies, chopped into bite-sized pieces. Listed below are approximate roasting times. It's important to stir the vegetables halfway through cooking time, so that they don't burn. Also, check to to see if they're done by testing with a fork or cooling a piece and biting into it. ~10-15 minutes: Asparagus, Bell Peppers, Bok Choy, Zucchini ~20-30 minutes: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Eggplant, Fennel, Onions, Mushrooms & Tomatoes ~25-35 minutes: Beets, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Potatoes, Winter Squash If you want to get a little fancier, try this roasted cauliflower recipe! Here's to good eating! Bonnie
It feels like summer flew by way to fast.
Fortunately, we have the weekend to try and relax a little, regroup & get ready for the fall season. And, we still have those amazing, local, newly harvested produce. It’s a great time to harvest veggies from your garden, get your weekly CSA farm share or stop at a local farm stand to enjoy the wonderful bounty of food we have in our area. Wondering how to turn this produce into yummy, delicious meals? Here are links to some of my favorite summer recipes. Summer in a Bowl A delicious salad that features both fruits & vegetables. Chicken with Peaches, Red Onion & Basil Nothing better than slicing perfectly ripe peaches & mixing them with olive oil, vinegar, red onions & fresh basil. Roasted Corn So easy & so delicious! Quinoa Tabouli A healthy grain mixed with tomatoes, parsley, cukes & olives. Cucumber & Peanut Salad I love the salty crunch with the cool cukes. There are other Yummy Healthy Food recipes on my Yummy Healthy Food blog. I welcome you to try one new healthy recipe as a small way to add nutrients to your diet. If you’re interested in exploring how to enjoy what you eat & eat healthier, there are a few openings in my Yummy Healthy Food Group that begins on September 25th. Happy Labor Day! Bonnie This may be counterintuitive but one of the most important reasons we all have trouble eating healthy, losing weight & feeling good about our bodies is that we have so many food choices ALL THE TIME.
A baby boomer like me remembers when you could only buy candy in an actual candy store, a drugstore and a supermarket. That was it. Now as we run errands, we constantly see all kinds of tempting foods – at clothing stores, gas stations, hardware stores & department stores. In supermarkets, we have access to every flavor of every cookie & candy. Sugar is addictive & other than calories, provides no nutritional value, no vitamins or minerals, no proteins & no fats. So why are we eating it? Simply put, it tastes good! Also, it’s readily available and it’s easy. The only thing you have to do to eat a candy bar is take off the wrapper. It requires no washing, chopping or cooking. During a busy day, when we’re hungry or grouchy or stressed out, we reach for this simple, pleasurable food. In the moment, we get a dopamine hit and we feel good. Occasionally, this is fine. But if we reach for a sugary treat often, over time this creates havoc in the body. Too much sugar has been linked to obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome, and poor oral health. Yikes! Fortunately, there’s a way out of constant sugar cravings & blood sugar surges & drops. By substituting healthy snacks in place of sugar, we can free ourselves of this addictive cycle. Here are 2 ways to begin this process:
Let me know how these work for you. And, if you’re interested in doing a deeper dive into shifting into healthier eating patterns, there are still I few spots left in my Yummy Healthy Food Group that starts on September 25th. Find out how eating well for 90 days can change your life. Learn more here With you on the road to better health! Bonnie Ever feel overwhelmed with health issues? Not sure what to do next? In these moments, you may not realize all the ways that you are taking care of yourself. I just heard about a practice that might be helpful. Get an empty jar and some pennies. Each time you do something that is part of the healing process, put a penny in the jar. Take a deep breath and put a penny in the jar. Make a cup of tea, put a penny in the jar. Make a phone call to one of your health care providers, put a penny in the jar. Call a friend, put a penny in the jar. Eat a vegetable, put a penny in the jar. Etc… This process will shift your mindset from one of scarcity to one of abundance. It will help you dig deep into the resources that you currently have. It may give you new ideas about what your next steps will be. It will help you find small changes that over time will have a positive impact on your life and health. Each time I have to personally deal with health challenges, I learn a little more about the healing process. I’ll be sharing some of the lessons that I’ve learned in an online workshop at River Valley Coop on Wednesday, April 17th at 6:30. Remember, even when it’s difficult and painful and takes time, you have the power to heal. With Blessings, Bonnie Have you ever had the experience of going on vacation and finding that whatever aches and pains you had been experiencing go away? You’re freed of responsibility, given time to enjoy yourself and suddenly you feel healthier. This is your spirit, alive and well. East Asian Medicine refers to the spirit as an essential part of our being. In this system of medicine, all the organs have a physical, emotional and spiritual element. The heart is the ruler of the different spiritual elements. It houses the Shen, translated as mind or spirit. It is our consciousness and vitality. When the Shen is in balance, there is ease and joy in our lives. This sense of ease then spreads to all of the other organs. The spirit isn’t some woo woo thing. It’s one of the most powerful aspects of our being. And the spirit isn’t just something that we are given at birth. It can be strengthened at any point in our lives. In the next few emails, I’ll talk about practices that make our spirits stronger. I had to lean into these practices while I was waiting for a kidney donor. I would notice the sunshine coming in through the window, moments when I was able to feel at peace, times when friends and family reached out to offer support. I had to keep telling myself that things would work out okay. The easiest way to access your spirit is to close your eyes. In your mind take yourself to a place where you feel fully alive and at peace. You may need to scan your life to find this place. Think of moments when you were truly happy. When you have found this place, notice all the details in your surroundings. What is the weather like? What do you see? What do you feel? Is there anyone with you? Then check in with your body. Notice how you feel when you imagine yourself in one of your favorite places. Remember that you can return to this place in your imagination whenever you want to. In your favorite place, it becomes easier to feel the rhythm of your heart. When you feel this rhythm, you create an opening, a safe place, for healing to happen. Your spirit comes alive. You may feel a sense of hope and possibility. Interested in deepening your relationship to your spirit and learning practices to heal when you are in need surgery or medications? I’m offering an online workshop with River Valley Coop, “An Acupuncturist’s Approach to Integrative Care” on April 17th at 6:30pm. You can register here. In your most difficult moments, may you find light and strength. With you on the journey, Bonnie Sometimes we have to carry illness with grace. By grace I mean deep acceptance and compassion for what our bodies are going through. While we may not be able to recover full health, grace gives us the courage to continue on when the path is rocky. Most of you know that three months ago, I had a kidney transplant. I was incredibly lucky. I found an altruistic living donor, an angel who gave me years of life and health. My transplant team couldn’t have nicer or more available. My nephrologist of twenty years assured me that he would help me get through whatever was in store for me. I have good health insurance and most of my medical costs were covered. And still, this has been a hard journey for me. I have moments of feeling fear and uncertainty. I still feel deeply vulnerable. I know that for the rest of my life I will need to be on immunosuppressant medication. As wonderful as my healthcare team is, I’m tired of medical appointments and blood work. I wish I no longer had to track all the numbers that determine my health. In these moments, I lean into grace. I count my blessings. I think of all the people who have touched my life. I have deep compassion for the 80,000 people in this country who are still waiting for a kidney. I have deep compassion for everyone who struggles with pain and chronic illness. Illness is a hard journey. It’s one that is not so much discussed. The miracle of medicine (and it truly is miraculous) comes with the cost of discomfort and a type of loneliness. I can count of one hand the number of people I know who have either been a kidney donor or recipient. In the midst of pain and discomfort, grace reminds me I am not alone. Grace reminds me that my life is worth getting the care I need. Grace reminds me that in getting care I’ll be able to help others in need. Grace reminds me that illness is a part of the human condition. The great thing about grace is that it’s always available. I encourage you to take a moment right now to tap into something that expresses life’s beauty. Maybe it’s an object, a place, a song or a piece of art. Think about an angel in your life. Someone who showed up when you were in need. If you feel lost or unmoored, feel the ground beneath your feet. Say these words to yourself, “I am loved. I am cared for. I am important. I am present in this moment. There is a spaciousness in life that holds me.” These are the ways that we find grace. If you need encouragement, do reach out to me. It you’ve had moments of grace in your life, I’d love for you to share them with me. May you find grace in your most challenging moments. From my heart to yours... I recently watched the movie "Air," the story behind Air Jordans and was drawn to the line "A shoe is always just a shoe until someone steps in it."
Our bodies are like that. For the most part, we share the same organs, muscles, tendons and body parts. These tend to work in similar ways. Our hearts beat, our lungs fill with air, our stomach and intestines digest food. We all have this in common. But the container that we live in is just that, a container. A group of living organs. I've been exploring for most of my life what it means to step into this container. What does it mean to become embodied? As I’ve explored this, I’ve found that listening to what my body is saying is an incredibly powerful thing. Stretching my spine every morning has gotten rid feelings of neuropathy in my legs. Strengthening the muscles in my legs has meant no more knee pain. Lifting weights at home has kept my bones strong. Eating foods that have a high nutritional content and taste good, has meant a healthier GI tract. Working with patients, I find that the same thing is true. As they gain an awareness of how to stand and move properly, their pain is reduced and their lives are filled with more ease. When they eat healthier, things like brain fog and acid reflux go away. This isn’t about rocket science, rather it’s small, steady changes that over time allow us to be more embodied, more conscious of our experience in our physical being. I continue to help people have this experience of living healthier by offering Japanese Acupuncture, Craniosacral Therapy and Wellness Counseling. If you are interested in improving your health, here are 2 ways to get started.
Here’s to your good health and happiness! This is a follow-up to last week's blog. Here’s why something as simple as walking outdoors for 20 minutes each morning can radically improve your health.
If you’ve tried to start walking or exercising and haven’t been able to continue with a steady practice there are some tricks to keep you motivated. Take a look at my blog, "Creating One New Habit." . If you aren’t able to walk because it causes pain, consider scheduling a free ½ hour consultation with me. We can talk about ways that treatments can help reduce inflammation, lower pain levels and get you more relaxed and on track to achieve your treatment goals. Know that I’m here to support and guide you on your journey to health! Sending healing energy… Bonnie A patient of mine inspired me to send you write this blog. She agreed to allow me to share some of her story.
We’ve been working together for just under 6 months focusing on stress management and better sleep. In addition to treatments, this patient decided to make 2 simple lifestyle changes. She began walking outdoors for 20 minutes each morning and gave up caffeine. She reported feeling better overall and experiencing less stress. She particularly noticed this on her drive to work in the morning. Wondering why this is? In this email I’ll talk about the role caffeine plays in the body. Next week I’ll send an email describing the benefits of walking. Caffeine is a stimulant. Some people can drink it without any ill effects and studies show that it has health benefits. However, for other people caffeine Interferes with sleep and can cause high blood pressure. For people who have sleep issues, anxiety, heart problems adrenal fatigue, or diabetes; coffee can be problematic. It triggers the release of adrenaline and may impact hormones and disrupt neurotransmitters. Also, coffee is often used as a substitute for a good night’s sleep and can be addictive. The best way to know if coffee is having an adverse effect on you is to take a three week break from drinking it. You may want to take five days to do this to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Each day drink 25% less caffeinated coffee than you did before. Then spend three weeks drinking only decaf and herbal teas. During this time, track your sleep, level of anxiety and energy. If your feeling sluggish, stressed out or generally unhappy, I offer treatments that help you relax in addition to recommending simple lifestyle hacks that will have you feeling better, more confident and empowered. Feel free to schedule a free half hour consultation or check out my website for information on insomnia and suggestions on how to get a better night’s sleep. Here’s to your good health and happiness!! Bonnie Exercise is good for you because it lowers blood pressure, increases your “good” cholesterol (HDL) and decreases unhealthy triglycerides. It can prevent stroke, type 2 diabetes, depression, anxiety and arthritis. In addition to all these benefits, exercise can also become your friend. Something that you can turn to when you’re upset, uncertain, not sure what to do next. It’s also one of the most powerful ways of caring for your body, mind and spirit. And the more your body knows that it’s being cared for, the better it performs, the better you feel, the more trust you build with yourself. For a lot of folks, putting an exercise program in place is a difficult experience. That’s why I’m writing this for YOU. I'll take you through all the steps before you actually start to go to the gym, work out at home or take a yoga class. Start by adding to your calendar exercise check in on May 1st. This gives you enough time to get prepared, gear up and begin an exercise program. Before that date, perhaps even now, I encourage you to ask yourself the following questions. 1)Introvert or Extrovert? Do you crave quiet time by yourself or do become energized in the presence of others? Quiet, introverted types like myself benefit from alone time while they hike, swim, walk or find a good online yoga or Pilates class. Extroverts will get added joy from the comradery that exists in yoga classes, water aerobics, or by joining a rowing club, soccer team or playing pickle ball. Ambiverts may want to go to the gym where there is a certain amount of companionship or find a walking buddy. 2) How much time do you have? The recommended daily allowance is 150 minutes of moderate exercise a day. That translates to roughly 20 minutes a day, 30 minutes 5x a week, 50 minutes 3x a week. Take a look at your schedule and see if you can fit this in. Remember, something is always better than nothing. Even setting aside 5 minutes a day of movement can be beneficial. When you decide when you’ll be exercising, set aside blocks of time on your calendar. 3) What local resources are available? We live in an area where the great outdoors is always available. Think about what other resources there are either close to home or work. Ask friends and colleagues what kind of exercise they do and what places they recommend. Here are some friends who teach movement from a mind/body perspective: Donna Brooks Using somatic movement therapy and yoga therapy I can help you gently and safely circumvent trouble areas in your body and mind restoring your ability to walk briskly, exercise safely and get in control of your body. My clients regularly report long term pain relief and increased mobility with agility. One on One sessions and small group classes are available. 413.230-1260. [email protected]. www.OriginalBodyWisdom.com Andrea at Autoimmune Strong Autoimmune Strong is run by Northampton local Andrea Wool. It's an online fitness resource for people living with autoimmune disease and chronic illness. Check out www.getautoimmunestrong.com for more information. Michele Lyman www.serenityyogastudio.net General email: [email protected] General phone: 413-271-3842 Owner: Michele Lyman [email protected] 413-563-3678 Learn more about Michele here: www.serenityyogastudio.net/michelelyman. What we do: At Serenity Yoga we believe that all beings should have access to the life-changing practice of yoga. We strive to create a peaceful and compassionate environment where you are encouraged to explore and grow your practice. We want you to do what feels good, fully embrace your personal journey and let go of expectations. You will be supported and welcomed for exactly who you are from the moment you walk in the door. We are real people doing real yoga with our real bodies. Schedule: https://serenityyogastudio.net/class-schedule Shraddhā Yoga Shraddha Yoga is a pay from your heart yoga center that offers weekly drop-in classes, private sessions, workshops, trips to India and teacher trainings in-studio in Hadley and online through zoom. Their offerings include postures & movement, embodiment practices, breathing practices, meditation, philosophical/spiritual teachings, grief support and support for the child-bearing years. https://www.shraddhayoga.org/ Corinne Andrews, Owner/Director [email protected] 215-870-4650 4) Online or in-person? Do you prefer the convenience of a class you can do at home, or do you crave being in the same you as other people? We have so many options available on the Internet today, so it’s important to choose what is right for you. 5) What’s your budget? Many exercises can be done for free. Walking is a great example. Even with that you’ll need to buy comfortable, walking sneakers. Other activities require shelling out some cash – a gym membership, buy skis or a bathing suit. Set aside some funds to use to support your exercise costs. 6) Indoors or outdoors? This is really important. We live in New England. If being outside in the cold is not your thing, you’ll need to find an indoor class, a gym or an activity you can do at home. 7) What equipment do you need? Make a list of stuff that you will need to be comfortable exercising. Sneakers, comfortable clothes, weights, skis, kayaks, a bicycle, etc… Give yourself time to get these things. 8) Same or different? Do you like to do the same exercise routine every day or are you looking to mix things up? This is important so that you either don’t get bored or have too many scattered plans. 8) When will you begin? Pick a day. The begin. See how it goes. Take a look at my blog Create One New Habit in the New Year for some inspiration. And remember, you got this! |
AuthorIn practice for over 20 years, Bonnie Diamond offers individualized, heart-centered care using a pain-free, Japanese style of acupuncture. Her work is influenced by her nine year struggle with and complete recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Archives
January 2025
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