What to Expect During Your First Acupuncture Visit
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Patients often wonder what their first visit will be like. The goal of treatments is to keep the body, spirit, and mind in a relaxed state so that healing can occur. To this end, it is important that treatments offer safety and comfort; that I understand what you are looking for; that we together set achievable goals.
Japanese Acupuncture Initial Intake
You will be asked to fill out an extensive intake form. This includes any symptoms you are experiencing, prior health history, current medications and supplements, diet and any exercise routine. We will go over this together. Since Covid began, all intakes have been done online or by phone.
Japanese Acupuncture Physical Exam
I will feel your pulse and palpate (press lightly) on various areas of the body. This gives me information about what is happening in the moment and helps to diagnose your condition.
Japanese Acupuncture Treatment Protocol
I will insert very fine, disposable needles into various acupuncture points. I generally begin treatments on the front of the body. Needles are left in for about 20 minutes. Then the needles are removed and a second set are inserted. This is a relaxing experience.
What to Wear for Acupuncture Treatments
No special clothing is required. It is helpful to wear something loose-fitting and comfortable.
Number of Acupuncture Visits
Healing happens over time. Some people with minor symptoms respond with just a few treatments. I like to see people with chronic conditions for five to ten initial treatments, one each week. A each visit, we review your goals. At the end of five visits, we evaluate how you are doing and put together a plan to keep you in optimum health.
Cost of Acupuncture Treatment
I offer packages so that you can get the care that you need.
I don't have the staff to bill insurance companies. I am happy to provide you with whatever paperwork you need to get reimbursed. If you have insurance coverage, I do ask that you pay in full when you come in for treatments. If you have a flex spending account, you can use those funds to pay for service -- getting a 15-25% savings.
Have questions about acupuncture? Contact me for a free 20 minute phone or in-person consultation. |
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