Myth 1: Acupuncture Hurts Often, the first thought folks have about acupuncture is that it will hurt. This is not so. The needles that I use are as fine a strand of hair. You may feel a slight pinch when the needle goes in, but afterwards you won't know that they are there. Patients often go into a relaxed state or even fall asleep on the table. Myth 2: Acupuncture is only helpful in treating musculoskeletal pain. While acupuncture is extremely helpful for back, neck, shoulder, shoulder, elbow and knee pain; it's also a great modality for treating asthma, allergies, upper respiratory illnesses, headaches, digestive issues, stress, depression and insomnia. And since it works holistically, you can get relief from a number of seemingly different symptoms all in the same visit. I look at the whole you and bring your body back into balance. It's a one-stop appointment that can help with all of your ailments. Myth 3: Acupuncture could interfere with other modalities Acupuncture is a great complement to other forms of treatment. It helps people to heal from surgery, works in conjunction with Western medicine and can be used in addition to medications. I see myself as a part of my patients' medical team. We are all working together to get you well. So if you have an appointment with your doctor, surgeon, massage therapist or chiropractor; you can get even more relief by receiving acupuncture treatments.
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AuthorIn practice for over 20 years, Bonnie Diamond offers individualized, heart-centered care using a pain-free, Japanese style of acupuncture. Her work is influenced by her nine year struggle with and complete recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Archives
September 2024
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